The Beginning …

Well … the beginning of our roots, as we know it now.

There was a little bit of the other side’s history mixed in, and it was a bit confusing.  And is as often the case, there were inter-marriages between the same families, between cousins, cousins once and twice removed, across generations even …. It made for a good soap opera story line.  So I broke down the document and mapped it out, family by family, where the information was available.

The province of Aklan was broken up into townships, and as was common everywhere, the more prominent families held positions of power in the local governments, as well as their own ‘castle’ – in this case, their own town.  There is a town of Feliciano, population about 2,400 (from the last census count in 2004?), in the province of Balete.

Tan Mariano (Anoy) and his wife, Tana Maria Elicerio (Bibing), had two children.  A son, Don Carlos (Capitan Aló or Tan Aló), and daughter, Doña Florencia (Tana Insang).

From the document, it appears that Tan Mariano held a position in the town of Balete.  From what I can gather, it was similar to a tax assessor/collector.  This position meant that he was travelling from one property to the next, to collect the tax payments.  And it was during one of these travels that he met his demise.
FFT crocodile excerpt

Wow.  A famous crocodile couple killed my great-great-great-great-great-great-grandparents?!  Wow.

I’ve got famous ancestors!


3 thoughts on “The Beginning …

  1. Pingback: Weekly Writing Challenge: Digging for Roots – Eight Generations | A little bit of this and that ...

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